Jan 26, 2017
Agoraphobia is an intense fear and anxiety of being in places where it is hard to escape, or where help might not be available. Let talk about it in the open.
Resources Mentioned:
Jan 19, 2017
I have always found that knowledge, accurate information is the foundation for a good treatment plan. I want to reduce the fear with information. What you do about this information is up to you.
Jan 12, 2017
Some folks need the rough side of the path; it is what they know.
Per Wikipedia:
"Research into the hypoalgesic effect of swearing has shown that the use of profanity can help reduce the sensation of pain. This phenomenon is particularly strong in people who do not use such words on a regular basis."
If this works for...
Jan 3, 2017
For those folks with an anxiety disorder learning about conflict resolution is a two-fer, learning to being comfortable within ourselves. to express what we want and need AND being able to navigate the wants and needs of other people.
These are some of the resources that are accessible on the 'tubes.