Oct 31, 2016
Self-medication is the practice of using a substance or resource to make you feel better or reduce your symptoms. It is one thing to take the edge off; it is another to go off the edge. These are some things to think about if you practice self-medication.
Oct 24, 2016
There is trickiness in the advertorial world. Be on the look out for freebie health magazines that want you to buy their products. Also a look that Constructive Living Therapy.
Oct 17, 2016
You as a health care consumer have to know what you are taking, the possible side effects and interactions with the foods you eat and other medications you have know that the good stuff does not necessarily come cheap or is high priced.
There are resources you can use to help you make an informed decision.
Oct 6, 2016
These are five of my thoughts about some of the things to consider when making the choice about taking medication for your anxiety or panic disorder.