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Welcome to the Libsyn version of the Anxiety Road Podcast, this is the involuntary journey finding medical, behavioral health, meditation, relaxation and x=the unknown treatment options and resources for people that have anxiety, panic attacks and phobias too.

This podcast is treatment agnostic. You can find more content and resources at

Sep 18, 2024

A quick pebble in the road on those in the population that know what a party line is, not to be confused with the groove line and the collective horrors of swallowing Cod Liver Oil.

Anxiety does not have an age limit or time out feature. Age doesn't necessarily protect you from having an anxiety condition. 
This is...

Sep 3, 2024

This is a quick look at the Healthy Minds Program App and what can do for you to help you chill out.

One way to think about mindfulness it is an intentional period of time that you practice of grounding yourself in the moment. 
Meditation is a method that you use to help you get to a mindful space.  Some of those...