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Welcome to the Libsyn version of the Anxiety Road Podcast, this is the involuntary journey finding medical, behavioral health, meditation, relaxation and x=the unknown treatment options and resources for people that have anxiety, panic attacks and phobias too.

This podcast is treatment agnostic. You can find more content and resources at

Oct 27, 2024

Seems like everybody is catching a little hell. We need to do something about that. Chip at that rock. For folks that are going through Postpartum Depression, there are resources that can help you get through the challenges of having this disorder.

This is a short episode that list two or three resources, depending on...

Oct 27, 2024

With attacks on mom and non-mothers, it is easy to forget there are dads that might need assistance too. Giving birth can be a challenging experience. 

There are anxiety conditions that can occur because of pregnancy. In this very short episode, I have a resource from Postpartum Support International (PSI) that might be...

Oct 16, 2024

There are a lot of books about anxiety, stress and related conditions. There is junk, AI junk, books that don't work for you and the ones that can change your life.

The book You Will Get Through This; A Mental Health Tool Kit may or may not work for you. 

But you won't know until you first know about it and read...

Oct 1, 2024

In this episode, I want to do a dive into what you should know before buying a book on anxiety support or treatment. Depending on how and where you get that book, there could be a certain amount of misrepresentation. 
The topics in this episode include Private Label Release/White Label books, personal narratives and...